Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

My Band's Personel

This is my band Personel... (pseudonym I've created myself. Sorry if ugly, friends ... : p :

1. Aisyah Rahmawati (AiRa). She's a vocalist. She can play guitar also.

2. Me (NovStar). I'm the lead guitar. Hope i can be vocalist or drummer, but i just want to play guitar like Syn... :p

3. Tsani Bayhaqi Haqieqy (TsaBa). She's the rhytm... Just one message. You have to study hard, friends. Don't be lazy...

4. Noor Shania Mashunna (Shey). She's a bassist. Keep learn, Shey... You are hardworking bassist. Just looking for the right teacher. :D

5. Trisnawati (?). She's a pianist. I don't know a good pseudonym for her. She's too plain --

6. Sindy Firda Eka Sari (?) She's a drummer. She hate when she ignores by us. Sorry, Sindy... :(

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